Your Ki advice from August 7 to September 7

Here is your personal Ki advice from July 6 to August 7.

I have provided straightforward and accurate advice to my clients for 30 years. Your welcome to contact me for a personal or written consultation at

If you don’t know your Ki number simply add together the four digits of your year of birth, add them again until you get a number between 1 and 10. Take this number from 11 and you have your Ki Year number. E.g. 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7. 11-7 = 4

August is a 5 Earth Month where everybody's Adult number falls into the Year number they were born into, i.e 1 Water people are in a 1 Water Month, 2 Earth people in a 2 Earth Month etc. This means that you will be experiencing your own Ki energy without so much of the influence of the other numbers, and so is an ideal time to get acquainted with your primary Ki Nature.

1 Water People: You now have the opportunity to take a break from concerning yourself so much with everyone else's well being, however, you may also have to face up to some emotional difficulties that require independent thought to get you through them. Take some time out to do some reading and don't overextend yourself financially.

2 Earth People: Clearing out all that clutter from your life will help you now in getting ready for a lot of new activity in September. If you remain modest about how fortunate you have been, you will create trust with potential allies and attract the help you need for success. Plan a series of small steps to achieve your current goal.

3 Wood People: It's time to forge ahead and get creative, but don't overdo it or you may bite off more than you can chew. Focus on developing a more supportive lifestyle and burn off any frustrations you have with plenty of exercise, while you think about your next step. Then ask for advice before you make any big decisions.

4 Wood People: Connecting with your gentler side will allow inspiration and vision to guide you through the challenges ahead. How others see you will be very important, as is the ability to open up to unforeseen possibilities that will reinforce your current progress. Trust in your experience of the kindness of others and tell them what is on your mind.

5 Earth People: Opportunities are heading your way, but they will pass you by if you try to wriggle out of your responsibilities. Opportunities will also literally pass you by if you travel too much throughout August. Reflect on how you can improve on your decision-making buy looking to the past and assessing what really worked for you.

6 Metal People: You might be having the urge to forge ahead with some grand gesture, but you're better off listening to people and acting on their real needs. Reduce your mental tension with downtime with friends as you're going to be seeing a lot more of them. Help someone else to focus on their goals.

7 Metal People: Decide what course of action will now work best for you and how to take advantage of it, as sticking with what you know will work better than endless speculation. Don't be fooled by superficial situations or your be left high and dry, which means keeping careful track of your finances and health or you could squander them.

8 Earth People: It's going to take a while for events to unfold but at least you now have time to think things through. Patience will work better than blunt force as you may get a rude response if you pressure others, while some gardening will put you in the right frame of mind. Working hard on an easily attainable goal will bring quick results.

9 Fire People: The warmth of your nature can be an inspiration to others, but make sure you are clear about what you want from those close to you. If you stay organised you can create the focus you need to attract greater opportunities. Make a list of everything you want to get done for the rest of 2019 and stick with it.