Your Nine Star Ki Predictions for 2022
2022 is a 5 Earth Year and runs from 4 February to 3 February 2023
As the return of post virus life gains momentum do you now go back to the life you had, or are you going to take advantage of this global shake-up to create something new for yourself, family and community?
If you don't know your Ki number simply add together the four digits of your year of birth, add them again until you get a number between 1 and 10. Take this number from 11 and you have your Ki Year number. E.g. 1 + 9 + 6 + 0 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7. 11 - 7 = 4
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1 Water People are in their 1 Water Year
Your 1 Water Year will be a time of stillness that can be compared to the seed in the ground waiting for the winter to pass. This is a wonderful opportunity to step back and take a look at the bigger picture to gain insight into the meaning of your life. You get to take a break from everyday concerns and can develop a long term view of how you want your future to take shape.
Although people may seem more distant than usual as a result of you withdrawing to renew yourself, taking time to develop yourself through study and meditation will have the greatest benefit as rushing to achieve new heights and ambitions is now not advisable. You also need to take care of your finances and health, as this year you will be short on physical and emotional resources, so it is best to bow to the wisdom of nature and go with the flow, rather than forcing events to bend to your will. This may be a great year to begin a course of study or bring a child into the world, however changing work or home will simply drain you.
To feel completely fulfilled 1 Water people need their life to have meaning, you want to make sense of your experiences and yet at the same time not freeze up when experiencing stress. This means learning to let go of the past, to relax and go with the flow of events in the present and then share your insights with others. You will find silent meditation, soothing music, and reading and journaling can all help you to achieve great insight into the mystery of life, and make sense of what you want to achieve in light of the new restrictions placed on you.
The sense of withdrawal may at times make you feel alienated or afraid, but understand you now have the chance now to learn how to go with the flow of events and to relate to people in a more empowered manner. As you make the effort to be more clear in your communications and share with people what is on your mind, you will be surprised by the positive reaction you get.
2 Earth People are in their 2 Earth Year
You may have many plans waiting to be put into action, but it is not yet the time to move on then. But through focusing on gathering the resources for the next big thing coming your way in 2023, you will attract allies, finances, help and advice. Clear out all that clutter, all that paperwork, old clothes, even the old commitments that have blocked up your creativity and be open to a more sustainable way of life.
Success in small things is your motto for this year as you get to grips with developing plans and working hard towards your next goal. But as major new ventures are not advisable and any major initiative is liable to meet with failure, you should not allow yourself to become drained by worrying about an apparent lack of progress. Otherwise, it will be one step forward and two steps back until you recognise the pattern of being brought back down to earth when you try to do too much.
To develop your confidence in your own abilities you need a social structure to help you direct your energies. Working with other people on an equal footing will help you to develop a more grounded practical approach to work and relationships, where you feel part of a team and feel you can rely upon them. You now have the opportunity to really focus on a single project through a step by step process, to ground your creativity and turn your hard working nature into a force for good.
As the nature of 2 Earth is to serve others you must also learn how to balance their needs with your own. Focus on your diet and health and taking exercise such as dancing and gardening. Otherwise, your confidence and self-esteem will begin to suffer, you may end up being subservient to others needs and lose your sense of self in the process. Developing a simple mediation practise will help to settle your tendency to worry too much, and bring a simplicity into the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
3 Wood People are in their 3 Wood Year
After the slow-moving quality of the last few years the brash new and exciting world of a 3 Wood Year will make for a welcome shake-up in your life, as you experience new ideas, enthusiasm and an unstructured, but familiar, approach to life. Whatever you do in 2022 you will not be able to resist this opportunity to bring some totally new energy into your life.
People may find it difficult to understand this creative process, but what you are doing is simply exploring various possibilities that require no present commitment. However you may explode with frustration, or be blamed for someone else actions if you fail to explain to others what you are up to. If the chaotic nature of a 3 Wood year becomes too much for you at times. then you must rely on patience and inner strength to prevent being overwhelmed or diverted.
This strength can be developed through grounding exercise, bringing under control
your tendency to quickly switch from idea to another without truly tasting the benefits of what is right in front of you. Simple Zen meditation will help you to ground your creative nature, as well as chanting mantras and using sound and purification practices.
You are also going to need all of your awareness and judgement to keep track of when you need to take a break, otherwise, the risk of burnout is all too possible if you run wildly after every new idea. Make sure you take planned holidays and work off any stress with that exercise. Exercising patience will also help you to avoid becoming irritable, as you will be prone to the occasional outburst when people and situations appear to get in your way. While a new romance or improved one is a high possibility, your focus on material life may be somewhat diminished in favour of a richer more diverse experience.
4 Wood People are in their 4 Wood Year
2022 brings maturity to your approach to life, where you start to see the results of your hard work and you feel more at ease with yourself. There will be a big increase in your sense of curiosity about the world and you will feel the need to communicate more and to help others achieve their goals. You will also experience a new found intimacy to your interactions with people and an enhanced sense of humour and charm.
In the same way that a gentle breeze can suddenly switch to a blustery wind, it is in the nature of a 4 Wood year for events to change in unpredictable ways, triggering your 4 Wood tendency to make light of serious situations that need your attention. Likewise, because you want to feel the need to explore life without making any commitment to a single goal, you have the habit of changing direction before completing the task at hand. But in order to capitalise on the changes and developments that have taken place these last few years, it is crucial that you do not head off in a completely new direction. Otherwise, you will lose out on all the benefits that the long term consistent growth of your current projects will have for you.
Although you can explore some new minor projects don't make any moves before you are completely ready to, especially as you need to watch your finances and carefully nurture the first results of your recent success. Your moods may also become unpredictable and have more to say more than your words, so a little patience will go a long way to keeping the peace; allow your influence to spread through gentle persuasion and the conviction of your actions.
Meditation involving movement such as Tai Chi will help to ground you, and to take your spacious nature to a deeper spiritual level you should seek out a teacher to help you cultivate your inner strength and develop your magnetising qualities.
5 Earth People are in their 5 Earth Year
You will be glad to hear that you are now in a position to consolidate the plans you have been working on these last few years and that major opportunities are coming your way. But this is not a year for action or making radical lifestyle changes, and if the opportunity to travel for more than two weeks does arise resist the urge.
The course of 2022 depends a lot on the choices and judgements you have made in the past and on how well you have managed your life. As the fruition of these actions now come home to roost your assessment of these lessons will help develop your goals for the future. A part of this process of renewal is that much of the stress you experience this year will be due to unsupportive situations and people leaving your life. Let them go and instead be mindful and reflective as you make your plans for the future. Focus on deciding on what you want to do next and as any new project you take on will be at the centre of your life for many years to come, make sure you get good advice before taking any big decision.
If you are in doubt about what you should be doing next then ask for advice from someone you trust. Developing listening and contemplation skills will also help you focus, while fulfilling your deep longing for spiritual life can be fulfilled by music, ritual and chanting to help overcome self-involvement in your life. Developing a strong link to a lineage of practitioners will help provide guidance, patience and humility.
You will find being in nature and appreciating the connectedness of life will help you develop the resilience and balance you now need, especially as you will be feeling uncomfortable with emotional upheavals. Do your best not to wriggle out of uncomfortable situations and face your responsibilities, otherwise, you will miss out on the chance to remake some some aspect of your life.
6 Metal People are in their 6 Earth Year
After the unpredictable chaos of last year, in 2022 you get to see the results of your plans and hard work over the last few years come to fruition. This could be in the form of a pay rise, a raise in status or taking on more responsibility. Whatever you have been working on to improve your life will now manifest, but rather than allowing a new found pride to go to your head, try to remain modest about these achievements, even though the signs will be all around you.
There will also be a tendency for you to become more judgemental, whereas you would be better off spending your time helping others to achieve their potential. And as you will find it easier to be organised this year and to manage other people, you will also be called upon to broaden your experience of what it means to look after the interests of others. This means stepping up and taking responsibility, judging fairly and impartially the situations that come to merit your attention.
As this year's events will feel somewhat preordained, you may will find there is less creativity in your life, but will find being in nature and appreciating the connectedness of life will help you develop the resilience you now need. Especially if you your plans seem to go awry, as you will need your organisation powers to make supportive decisions to get you back on track.
It is also important you avoid the temptation to see things in black and white and instead remain flexible in your relations with others. This means giving people what they really want rather than you giving them what you think they want. And do your best to look after yourself, keep up a good social life while maintaining family ties and close relationships with loved ones. The occasional self-indulgence will also go a long way to easing all that mental and physical tension. Bodywork and a sauna are highly recommended.
7 Metal People are in their 7 Metal Year
While the constraints of last year now fall away and are replaced by a great sense of ease, you can reflect on the hard work you have put in over the years to get you where you are now. With an expanded social life presented to you, there will be no shortage of party invitations. But at the same time, you should maintain respect for what you have managed to achieve as your luck did not appear out of nowhere, otherwise, you could squander your good fortune as quickly as it has been gathered.
This year brings about a heightened sensitivity to your experiences in life and to your surroundings, while the reflective quality of this year will help you appreciate your good situation as you look back on your life in the quieter, more spiritual moments. But remember to do your best to remain practical and focused in your relations with people as flights of fancy could land you in trouble.
Especially as 7 Metal People tend to be attracted to temporary surface appearances, taking for granted their material comfort, instead of looking beneath addictive appearances to discover their hidden depths. You can do this by making some quiet personal time and space for yourself where you can settle your mind and through breathing and healing meditations, calm your body and mind. Then your life experiences will be seen more and more for what they really are: as a source of joy that was previously hidden and a deeper meaning to life revealed.
As the benefits of your past efforts now bring their reward, you will find your creativity naturally expressing itself in your life, so there is no need to start new projects as you can rely on your past experience to stand you in good stead. To make the most of this year it is advisable to try and find a balance between the more indulgent aspect of a 7 Metal Year and the need to maintain some sobriety, otherwise, you might appear to some as being spoiled by your good luck and not as caring as you can be about people.
8 Earth People are in their 8 Earth Year
The revolutionary nature of an 8 Earth Year can bring about a move to a new home, changing jobs, a new relationship and other major changes in lifestyle, and as long as you remain focused on your goals they will come about in their own time.
This year you may at times feel as though your light has been hidden at the back of a cave but you are now in the process of refuelling that light with its source material: the essential knowledge that comes from knowing what is really working in your life. From within this cave you now have the chance to look within yourself and discover previously uncharted aspects. You can then use this knowledge to complete your goals and develop the ability to pass that onto others.
During this year you may feel at times as though nothing at all is happening in your life. But the change you desire is now dependent on you looking within and being realistic about where you are. So take advantage of the time that is presented to you and resist the urge to get pushy, as that will only cause resentment and antagonism in others.
As you will be working hard this year do your best to remain active in your social life, as there will be a tendency this year for you to withdraw to the cave and isolate yourself. Be clear in your communication and try not to take what others say to heart, as you now appear to them to be more solid and resilient than you really are. To help in this process create a clean orderly environment and a shrine to focus your respect for earthly forces. Engaging in this process will help to expand your vision from a fragmented approach to life, to one where you can appreciate the bigger picture and how you fit in with it.
9 Fire People are in their 9 Fire Year
In a 9 Fire Year the inner light developing inside you last year now comes to the surface for all to see, bringing with it a sense of expansion, new possibilities and a great social life. Deciding on how you want to focus this light is crucial, as you may get lost in the glare of gratifying attention after a year hidden away in the dark. Especially as hidden secrets may come to the surface and legal matters in some shape or form will certainly take up some of your time.
The valuable lessons that came your way in 2021 - the changes in lifestyle and outlook - may have been painful at times, as you got to grips with the new realities of your life, but you now have the chance to use those grounding experiences to explore your spiritual beliefs to the full. As your 9 Fire nature can be a light both for yourself and others, this invaluable knowledge will also power your discriminating awareness which enables you to distinguish what is true and not true for you.
You also need to remain grounded and realistic about your plans this year, making sure that you thoroughly investigate any offers of either a romantic or business nature. And try to remember that others around you may not be so enthusiastic about all of your new ideas. This may bring up doubts about loyalty and friendship, so remain aware of how you come across to people, or you may find that in a moment of need there is no one around to support you.
In 2022 you will find it easier to speak your truth, but will you allow this new found attention to go to your head, or will you use your position in the public eye to promote your business or a cause that is close to your heart?